Putin appointed Pavel Kuznetsov as Russia's Ambassador to Finland

14 August 2017, 14:34 | Russia 
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Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed by his decree the new Russian ambassador to Finland Pavel Kuznetsov, Izvestia informs,.

In addition, by another decree, the head of state relieved from his post the former head of the Russian diplomatic mission in Finland, Alexander Rumyantsev, who held this post since 2006.

The President's decree says: "To appoint Kuznetsov Pavel Maratovich as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Finland".

It is known that since September, Pavel Kuznetsov has headed the General Secretariat of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 2010 he has been Russia's Ambassador to Slovakia, speaks English and Finnish.

Источник: JustMedia