"Dynamo" will go to Mariupol, when it receives official guarantees of special services - Madzyanovsky

14 August 2017, 07:53 | Sports 
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Vice-president of Kiev "Dynamo" on security issues Andrei Madzyanovsky in the program "Prof-football" for 2 + 2 spoke about the situation with the trip to Mariupol.

August 27, "Dynamo" to play an away match with "Mariupol". However, the "white and blue" want to get official security guarantees from the secret services.

"Dynamo" is most interested in playing in this glorious city. Special structures by their actions and our arrival should support the fighting spirit of our fighters and people.

The president of the club will gladly bring the team and he will come, but Mariupol is in the ATU zone. You can not call a city one hundred percent peaceful, when for 20 km from the city there is a line of contact.

Danger and hope "at random", as some leaders now, we will not.

In FFU lie not one month of a letter from the special services, which indicate a danger in the city of Mariupol. We do not need public guarantees in the media and social networks. We need official letters from the services.

I will say more: the ULP appealed to the FFU to convene the Committee on the safety of stadiums, and it can not assemble in any way. The position of the UPL and FFU recalls the "ostrich position". Teams that go, go at your own peril and risk, "said Madzyanovsky.

According to him, the club had an alternative - to play both matches in a neutral territory.

Recall, on August 13 in Mariupol, the match of the 5th round was held by the Carpathians, who were also against the trip to the front-line city.

Источник: ТСН.ua