In the Kherson region, a falsified cigarette was produced on a sheep farm

11 August 2017, 12:00 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

Here, farmers on the sheep farm were growing tobacco, making fake tobacco products out of it and selling them. As reported by the press service of the State Fiscal Service, the police conducted Operation "Excise-2017".

During the investigation of a criminal case opened under the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Illegal manufacture, storage, sale or transportation for the purpose of selling excisable goods, a group of persons was established who illegally grew different types of tobacco on one of the sheep farms.

Immediately, the processing of tobacco raw materials was carried out, then it was sold to clandestine manufactures, on which counterfeit cigarettes were manufactured under the guise of well-known brands. The sale was conducted over the Internet using postal delivery services.

The farm was searched, as a result of which 24.8 tons of tobacco raw materials worth 3.2 million hryvnias were found and seized, as well as equipment for its processing and storage. The total value of the seized is 3.5 million hryvnia.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the Odessa region, border guards found contraband tobacco products. The total amount of the find is estimated at more than one million hryvnia. According to the press service of the Southern regional department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the police, along with the border guards of the Podolsky detachment, found almost one hundred boxes of cigarettes, after a search of the private house of a citizen of Ukraine in Ananyev.

Источник: УРА-Информ