In Krivoy Rog, the ex-judge was electrocuted in her own house

09 August 2017, 15:02 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

On the tragic incident, "First City".

As noted, in the house of the owner as a result of the weather began to flood the basement. So, to eliminate the problem, Vodopyanov descended into the room and turned on the water pump.

One after some time there was a short circuit, as a result of which a man received a fatal electric shock.

It is known that the wife Vodopyanova called an ambulance, but they only stated death.

By the way, in 2012 and 2015, the judge repeatedly received disciplinary punishment from the highest qualifying college of judges of Ukraine. In addition, Vodopyanov had the largest number of appeals in the Court of Appeal among all Krivoy Rog judges.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", in the capital, a construction worker was killed by electric shock. This happened right after the boom of the crane touched the high-voltage wires.

Источник: УРА-Информ