Milk will empty the wallet

09 August 2017, 13:14 | Economy 
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In summer, dairy products have risen in price (and not for the first time). This is due to the increase in the cost of raw materials for such products in the world market, experts explained..

In July, the average consumer price, for example, for butter, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, was 515.64 rubles. For 1 kg, which is 25.6% more than last year. And for 1 liter of sterilized milk you have to pay an average of 72.63 rubles. , That is, 10.51% more than in July 2016. , They write "Izvestia".

Did not fall behind and cheese - the price of it grew by almost 10%. A year ago, 1 kg of dairy products in the average price was 430.25 rubles. , And now - 472.93 rubles. Sour cream and pasteurized milk also went up 9%.

For the year, the import of dairy products, according to the Federal Customs Service, declined by 44.89%. At the beginning of July it was 153.8 thousand. T, and $ 252 million was spent on the purchase of this product from abroad - 28.5% less than a year ago.

It follows that the increase in the cost of dairy products was mainly due to domestic producers. The growth of their average prices by 12.4% can compensate for the increase in the cost of material and technical resources and "implement investment projects to expand production," explained in the Ministry of Agriculture. Prices for dairy products in the first half of the year traditionally increase, added the agency.

Confirmed the rise in price and in the Association of Retailers (AKORT, combines "Auchan", "Atak", "Bill", "Pyaterochka" and others). And the reason for this trend was called "raising the level of production costs".

The growth of prices for dairy products was also reported by the Executive Director of the National Union of Milk Producers Artem Belov. However, by the end of the year, there should not be a noticeable increase in consumer prices: it will be at the level of food inflation, the expert said..

At the same time, demand for dairy products, Belov said, is falling. Last year, according to Rosstat, it fell by 3%.
