In Ukraine, they decided to register mobile subscribers by passports

09 August 2017, 12:57 | Technologies 
фото с InternetUA

The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine has developed a bill on compulsory registration of mobile subscribers.

As the League. Net, this draft law proposes to retain customers of mobile operators the right to conclude a contract in written or any other form, but is going to telecom companies will be required to collect personal data of all users.

In addition, the State Communications Commission in the same document proposes to revive the practice of maintaining the database of unique identifiers of IMEI codes.

As they say in the explanatory note to the bill, the lack of a system for registering subscribers and unique codes for mobile devices complicates the conduct of national security measures "in the face of cyber threats".

"In addition, the situation requires the use of a variety of end-equipment (iPhones, iPads, communicators, smartphones, mobile phones, etc.) against the backdrop of a growing range of telecommunications-based services, as the uncontrolled amount of end equipment in circulation promotes the spread of" mobile fraud "And other cyber crimes," reads the text of the bill.

According to the idea of ??the State Communications Committee, other departments will have only three months from the moment of adopting the law to adapt their normative acts.

The National Communications Regulatory Commission at the next meeting approved the bill of the State Communications Commission, but with significant comments.

In particular, the regulator proposes to increase the transition period and stretch it for six months. During this time, subscribers who are now receiving services impersonally will have to provide their personal data to operators.

NCCI for its part is preparing for innovation. She developed the procedure for registering subscribers without signing a contract in writing, that is, prepaid subscribers. You can also send personal information in electronic form.

The second part of the bill (on the registration of IMEI-codes) NCRSI considered very damp. And he hopes that the communications administration will finalize it.

Источник: InternetUA