Tuttosport: Real Madrid will offer 85 million euros and Kovacic for Dibalu

08 August 2017, 12:48 | Football 
Пауло Дибала, Getty Images

Champions of Spain do not abandon attempts to get a young Argentine star "old lady".

As reported by Tuttosport, Real took into account the interest of Juventus to midfielder Mateo Kovacic, and is ready to include him in the deal for Paulo Dibale.

According to the source, Madrid will offer "bianco-neri" Croatian midfielder plus 85 million euros for the transfer of Dibala.

In addition to Real striker Juve interested and Barcelona, ??which is ready to pay for the Argentine 120 million euros.

Dibala moved to the Turin club in 2015 from Palermo for 40 million euros.

Earlier it was reported that Real Madrid can acquire midfielder Dortmund Borussia Usman Dembele.

По материалам: tuttosport.com