The parliamentary session hall will be modernized

07 August 2017, 23:27 | Economy 
фото с УРА-Информ

It was informed in the message published on the public procurement portal ProZorro that the company "Amrita Integrated Solutions" won the tender for development of design documentation of technical re-equipment.. She undertakes to update the parliamentary hall for seven million hryvnia. At the same time, project documentation should be prepared no later than December 20 of this year.

So, according to the project, an integrated automated system "Electronic room of plenary sessions" should be created here, which will ensure easy and operative access of deputies while working in the plenary session room to the information and documentary resources of the legislative process.

At the workplace, the deputy will install a color touchscreen (touchscreen) with the possibility of voting on it and an additional module with buttons for voting in case of a touchscreen failure, a personal computer, a biometric data scanner, a card reader, a microphone, a loudspeaker and Device for simultaneous interpretation.

Access to the workplace should be through a login and password, ID-card or fingerprint scanner. Reconstruction will also provide control of stay in the workplace through a video surveillance system. It is also planned to reconstruct the workplaces of deputies, the government box, the presidium, the rostrum and the seat of the President, and replace the carpet.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in 2016, "Amrita Integrated Solutions" modernized the conference room in the parliament building for 11 million hryvnia.

Источник: УРА-Информ