To lose weight enough to drink before eating two cups of water

07 August 2017, 21:43 | Health 
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New research by American scientists has shown that for middle-aged and elderly people there is a very simple way to lose weight - it is enough to drink two cups of water before meals, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. Net In this case, they consume fewer calories and lose more weight than people who do not drink water before eating. To such conclusions came a group of scientists from the Virginia Technological University / g. Blacksburg / led by associate professor Brenda Davy. The results of their work were presented in Boston at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society.

The researchers formed two groups of subjects aged 55 to 75 years who were overweight or even obese. During a three-month experiment, the first group observed a low-calorie diet with a low fat content. In the second group, the subjects followed the same diet, but at the same time they drank two cups of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

As a result, it was found that for three months the subjects from the first group lost 11 pounds / 5 kg /, in the second group - 15.5 pounds / over 7 kg / - a difference of almost 30%.

As the researchers determined, subjects who drank water before eating consumed 75-90 calories less during meals.

"Consuming more water before eating is a very simple strategy that can be very useful for people trying to lose weight," said Brenda Davy. - We do not say - "drink more water and fat in your body melts," but this strategy can be a very effective addition in combination with a low-calorie diet ".

Researchers stressed that this formula is effective only for people of middle and old age. It does not have the same effect on people aged 18 to 35 years. Scientists explained this by the fact that in older people, water stays longer in the stomach, dulling the feeling of hunger, while in young people it passes very quickly through the stomach.

News. Gradusnik. En.

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