Fish Oil: An Effective Way to Keep Health from Diabetes

06 August 2017, 20:11 | Health 
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Omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil effectively reduces chronic inflammation and insulin resistance in the body, thereby preventing the development of diabetes. According to clinicians at the University of California (USA), fish oil activates the receptors of macrophages - white blood cells that absorb and process cellular "junk" and pathogens, resulting in a broad anti-inflammatory effect and improving the sensitivity of insulin.

Insulin resistance is a physical condition in which a natural hormone insulin becomes less effective and poorly regulates blood sugar, which leads to numerous and often serious health problems, primarily to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Scientists examined the work of cellular receptors that react to fatty acids. The focus was on the receptor called GPR120 from the family of signaling molecules involved in numerous cellular functions. The GPR120 receptor is located only on pro-inflammatory macrophages in mature fat cells. When the receptor is turned off, macrophages display their anti-inflammatory properties, doctors explain..

It has been proven that fatty acids in fish oil produce an incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory effect, "including" the receptor and blocking the inflammatory processes in the cells. Doctors concluded that fish oil is a safe, natural, powerful way to reduce internal inflammation in the body, confronting not only diabetes, but also cancer, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

News. Gradusnik. En.


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