Antidepressants may increase depression in young patients

05 August 2017, 17:26 | Health 
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Recently, the American Food and Drug Administration has proposed to all manufacturers of antidepressants to change the instructions with a warning that taking antidepressants can increase the manifestations of suicidal moods and thoughts in young people.

According to the representatives of the Association, during the preliminary treatment and adaptation to the drug, young people aged 18 to 24 years often experience an aggravation of suicidal tendencies.

The proposed changes relate to all drugs belonging to the class of antidepressants. The producers were given 30 days to implement the recommendation of the supervisory organization.

In addition to warnings for young people, the new instruction will also contain information that people do not manifest such tendencies beginning at the age of 24, while in those older than 65, antidepressant medication is associated with a reduced risk of suicidal behavior.

Medicinform. Net.


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