Neimar will miss the first match of "PSG"

05 August 2017, 10:28 | Sports 
фото с ТСН.ua

Brazilian striker Neymar, the world's most expensive footballer, will miss the first match of the season of the French League 1 and will not play for his new team - Paris Saint-Germain on Saturday: his documents were not filed on time.

This is reported by the BBC.

His international transfer certificate was not received by League 1 until midnight, so the ex-Barcelona player will watch the match against Amiens on the podium. However, Neimar will be presented to the fans at the stadium de Prens before the game.

We will remind, for 25-year-old Неймара "ПСЖ" has paid 222 million euro. He will earn 45 million euros per year. In his first public statement as a player of the French club, he said that he was "sad" because people thought his move from Barcelona was motivated by money.

Источник: ТСН.ua