Scientists managed to recreate the development of the brain

04 August 2017, 14:23 | Health 
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For the first time in the history of mankind, scientists managed to live to observe the division and growth of a generation of neurons of the brain of a mammal in the laboratory.

Dr. Adi Mizrahi of the University of Hebrew, Jerusalem, used mice as a model to determine how neurons, neural tissue cells, develop from vague unformed stem cells.

According to the author of the study, the brain with its complex structure and many functions remains a mystery to man. From the present moment, scientists have an excellent model for the practical study of the brain from bookmarking to full development.

Using special microscopic technology, Dr. Mizrahi created an experimental model to study the development of dendrites in the laboratory. Dendrites are subtle branches from nerve cells that bind them together.

The model, performed by researchers, is a group of cells, which later became the olfactory bulb of the brain - a department that helps to distinguish and recognize odors.

Mizrahi revealed that the process of brain formation is taking place at a very fast and dynamic pace. Mature cells that were included in the network also remained mobile.

These studies are published in the next issue of the virtual journal Nature Neuroscience.

Medicinform. Net.


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