Sweet grapes excite

03 August 2017, 10:52 | Health 
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Some products in ancient times were considered to enhance sexual attraction, and modern studies confirm this. Sweet smells of products (for example, strawberries, cinnamon), as well as oysters, chocolate, pumpkin seeds,.

Doctor of Antiquity Avicenna in his work "The Canon of Medical Science" to the topic "Sexual Ability and Nutrition" devoted several chapters. Among the fruits that excite the flesh, Avicenna notes the sweet grapes that "replenish the blood with moisture and winds, as well as warmth and good nutrition".

It turns out that grape sugar is a wonderful tonic that provides energy. It is necessary to direct it in the right direction - and ... There is no grape at hand? Raisins - a worthy substitute for fresh fruit.

Medicus. En.

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