In the network appeared previously unprecedented photos of young Bowie

01 August 2017, 13:59 | gossip 
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A year and a half after the death of the cult singer David Bowie, his archival photographs became available for viewing.

In 1967, then 20-year-old David starred for the cover of his debut album. But the expected success did not come to him, therefore the results of the photo session remained unpublished, writes The Guardian.

Now the famous photographer Gerald Firnli published them in the collection and remembered how he worked with a young singer.

"He was very polite. I do not remember how he was in my studio, but I probably was the only person he knew with the camera and studio, "the author of the photo.

Just at that time, David studied dancing with the actor and mime Lindsay Kemp. The latter notes: it was he who taught the cult artist the mastery of his body.

"I taught him to express himself and communicate through the body. I taught him how to dance. I taught him the importance of the image: make-up, costumes, general appearance on the stage, technique of performance, "- said Kemp.

After a not too successful first album, David Bowie appeared in the music space in 1969 with the disk Space Oddity.

As a result, the artist became one of the most successful in the show-biz arena.

Earlier it was reported that the ashes of the legendary British singer David Bowie were buried in a secret place. The star presented a new album and video clip two days before his death. The musician died after a long struggle with cancer.

Источник: ТСН.ua