Alexander Zinchenko can go to the "Napoli"

31 July 2017, 10:19 | Football 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is reported by Sportitalia.

As noted, at the moment the negotiations are still going on. So, the Ukrainian player personally wants to see the team coach "Parthenopei" Maurizio Sarri.

In this regard, parthenopes are trying to rent the Ukrainian until the end of the current season with the right of subsequent repurchase for 10 million euros.

However, despite this transition depends on midfielder Emmanuele Jakkreini. It is expected that in the near future he should become a footballer of Prague's Sparta.

Add, the last season, Alexander spent in PSV on loan, took part in 12 matches of the championship of the Netherlands. Now the Ukrainian, together with "Man City" is in the United States, where the pre-season gathering takes place.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", Italian vice-champion "Roma" continues negotiations with the "Dynamo" for the transfer of Andrei Yarmolenko. Thus, in order to convince the "Dynamo" to part with his captain, it is necessary to pay 30 million euros (25 million euros as compensation and 5 million euros in bonuses).

Источник: УРА-Информ