The young people from the situational center lured Chaynikov in the network

31 July 2017, 08:56 | Policy 
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Sverdlovsk Election Commission has launched an official group in "VKontakte". The page in the social network is conducted by specialists from the Situation Center, the press service of the Regional Election Commission. The group contains all relevant information about elections, innovations of this campaign, you can also ask any question.

"The situation center is basically a new format for us, and we tried to use all possible channels of communication with voters. The staff of the center are young guys, they offered to try to work through social networks, they have their own audience and we supported this idea, "said Valery Kaminikov, chairman of the Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Here we have already published the first data of the work of the situational center. So, according to data on the morning of July 29, 823 applications were received to the situation center: 643 of them to territorial election commissions, 180 to the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Recall, the Situation Center operates from 9 to 20 hours on weekdays and from 10 to 16 hours on weekends. Official group of the situational center "VKontakte" takes reference clock.

Источник: JustMedia