What to do when the tonsils hurt

27 July 2017, 17:52 | Health 
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Glands have another name - tonsils, Latin name Tonsillen. From this Latin name is the title of their head disease - tonsillitis. At what diseases are the tonsils sore? What are the prerequisites?.

Glands have another name - tonsils, Latin name Tonsillen. From this Latin name is the title of their head disease - tonsillitis. They are located in the posterior cavity of the pharynx and consist of two pharyngeal, two palatine and one reticular tonsils. Together with the lymph glands, the tonsils make a lymphatic pharyngeal ring, which protects our body from infection, according to the Internet edition for girls and women aged 14 to 35 Pannochka. Net Tonsils, first, neutralize the infection that enters the body in various ways through the oral cavity. This is the immunity of the body, since there are immune cells that purposely destroy the causative agents of diseases. Therefore, healthy tonsils are very important for the normal work of the body's immune system. When the human body is weakened, and with all this a lot of germs got into the mouth, the tonsils can not cope with their own function. Inflammation begins, redness appears. If the gland is swollen - this is the first sign of angina, or acute tonsillitis.

More palatable glands are more prone to illnesses, perfectly visible if you open your mouth. Their outer part faces the oral cavity and pharynx. The glands have a porous structure, laced with lacunae - special "tubules", which are, specifically, traps for viruses and bacteria. Any amygdala connects its own internal part with a pharyngeal tissue and a lymphatic duct that binds the tonsil to the entire immune system. So, the removal of glands is a severe blow to the protection of the human body.

At what diseases are the tonsils sore? What are the prerequisites?.

Angina. Acute infectious and allergic disease. Inflammatory processes affect, in the main, palatine tonsils. The main pathogens are staphylococci and streptococci, as well as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and others.. Prerequisites of the disease - general or local hypothermia, overwork, avitaminosis, transferred infectious diseases. The beginning of angina is acute. There is perspiration, dry mouth, sore throat when swallowing food or water, and obviously the glands are sore. Depending on the reaction of the body, the body temperature can range from 37C to 40C.

Acquired tonsillitis. Inflammation of the glands can develop due to repeated angina, various infectious diseases (diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever). Other prerequisites: acquired local inflammation, for example, caries and periodontitis. Symptoms are neuralgic pains with recoil into the cervix or ear, a nasty smell from the mouth, a sore throat, a slight increase in temperature in the evening, lethargy, pain in the head.

Uphill (retrofaringal) abscess. Appears when suppuration of the pharynx of the pharyngeal space and lymph nodes. The lymphatic pathway is the penetration of infection from the auditory tube, middle ear, nasopharynx and nasal cavity. Abscess can be a complication of measles, flu, scarlet fever. Symptoms of the disease: sharp pain in the throat, violation of nasal breathing, shortness of breath, high temperature.

Acquired pharyngitis. With prolonged irritation, there is a slow inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Manifestation: reddening of the pharyngeal mucosa, congestion of mucus in it, and, as usual, tonsils.

Infection with influenza viruses and colds. You can get infected from another person when he sneezes or coughs, by inhaling particles with germs and viruses.

Allergy. It manifests itself in response to various irritants in the form of redness, facial edema, runny nose and sore throat.

Dry air. Pain in the glands, perspiration in the throat appear due to low humidity in the room, especially during the heating season.

Dirty air, tobacco smoke. Causes unchanged irritation of the larynx and upper respiratory tract. Passive smoking, with all this, causes even more harm than the active.

HIV is an infection. The prerequisites are not in the HIV infection itself, but in the infection in general, which is a danger to people with immune system disorders.

Tumors. Suffer, in the main, smokers and drunkards. The voice becomes hoarse, swallowing is difficult, the pain in the glands.

With all the variety of methods of healing, doctors sometimes make decisions about the removal of tonsils. There is a natural question: why remove tonsils?.

The main prerequisite here is the spread of infection from the tonsils throughout the body. It is clear that tonsils have a connection with approximately 97 organs, including those with important ones - heart, liver, kidneys ... Acquired tonsillitis can affect the development of severe diseases: cardiac, bronchopulmonary, and it adversely affects blood clotting, metabolism. There may be allergic conditions - asthma, microbial eczema.

Therefore, in cases when the tonsils are aching, the treating doctor after a painstaking examination, having weighed all the pros and cons, perceives the only correct decision and, as necessary, appoints an operation.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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