In Ukraine, it is impossible to completely overcome corruption, - Kholodnitsky

25 July 2017, 14:51 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

He said this in an interview with the publication "The Voice of Ukraine".

According to him, in Ukraine, as in the whole world, it is impossible to overcome corruption. At the same time Kholodnitsky is sure that it can only be driven "under the plinth".

First of all, corruption must be minimized in order not to influence state processes.

"I believe that we will still be able to cope with corruption," - said the head of SAP.

Recall, as reported by the wound "URA-Inform", why in Ukraine, where salaries are low, goods and services are so expensive? It is difficult to imagine what exactly with our chocolate begins our poverty, but it's true. After all, no one will want to invest in a country where corruption is a habitual matter. So it turns out that Ukrainians live the worst in Europe and even worse than many African countries. Because corruption hinders business development and reduces the investment attractiveness of Ukraine.

Источник: УРА-Информ