After organ transplantation, medicines may not be taken

23 July 2017, 14:23 | Health 
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Scientists have stepped closer to the possibility of not taking medication for life after a kidney transplant, the BBC.

Two independent studies conducted in the United States showed that patients who had kidney transplants recovered without the need for potent drugs that cause many side effects, including the risk of cancer, according to the Internet publication for girls and women 14 to 35 Years old Pannochka. Net If the organ is not transplanted from an identical twin, then the body's reaction is the rejection of this organ as a foreign body.

To facilitate this process, it is necessary to take immunosuppressive drugs throughout life, which increase the risk of infectious diseases, increase blood pressure and cholesterol. They can even lead to certain types of cancer.

Scientists have worked on this problem for many years to reduce side effects and reduce the need for drugs.

While most people who undergone transplantation in the UK were able to reduce medication intake by 50% in the last 5 years, the risk of side effects is still large.

In the first study at Stanford University, a person who received a kidney of his brother spent about two years without medication after medical treatment on the immune system to prevent the body from responding to the production of antibodies.

The patient was then injected with his brother's blood cells. This combination treatment has made it possible to create something like immune cells that are able to prevent the rejection of a foreign body.

According to Professor John Scandling, the opportunity to dispense with medications is a great hope for patients. There is a high probability that this is possible, but it is still necessary to conduct a large number of studies.

Medicinform. Net.


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