The US does not rule out an armed conflict with the DPRK

23 July 2017, 13:04 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

Politico writes that Dunford said that the US should be prepared for a possible armed conflict with North Korea. In the US believe that the nuclear program of Korea is a real threat.

"Many call military measures" unthinkable ". I would slightly change this statement, saying that it will be terrible, unfortunately, lead to losses that we have already experienced in our lives. I mean that people who survived World War II never faced the kind of sacrifices that war can bring on the Korean Peninsula, "said Dunford.

Dunford stressed that it is worth continuing economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea to abandon nuclear weapons.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, the United States will prohibit citizens from visiting North Korea.

Источник: УРА-Информ