How to treat bedsore and how to avoid it

19 July 2017, 22:59 | Health 
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Caring for an immobilized person is a very difficult matter. The slightest oversight or lack of this here can lead to a catastrophe.

Bedsores are commonly referred to as skin lesions, which also appear due to these lesions, ulcers that can be very deep and even purulent. Usually, they arise in those people who for some reason are deprived of the ability to move. Ulcers from them heal very long, but inquisitive is the fact that they do not cause pain. Those who care for the unhealthy need to know how to cure bedsore. It should be noted immediately that the number of them depends not only on the quality of care, but also on how seriously a person is seriously ill. The essence is that in a person suffering from a very serious illness, pressure sores will appear no matter how well they take care of him, but they will also be in someone who is not sick, but caring for him leaves him in the best state.

What is pressure ulcers A long load on certain parts of the body can lead to the fact that the tissues will end up with nutrients and oxygen. Also, from unchanged loads, small capillaries can burst, which will lead to the appearance of blood in places where it should not be. More often bedsores appear in the area of ??the coccyx, sciatic bones, also the sacrum. Much less often they can be found in the nape of the neck, ribs and hip joint.

The first danger that comes from them is that the tissues that are at the depth can be already very damaged by the time when the first signs begin to appear on the surface of the skin that it is time to heal the alarm. Often, such skin damage becomes a prerequisite for limb amputation. In the event that a person who is not going to be cared for by an unhealthy person at home, who does not know how to prevent and how to cure bedsore, he will have to spend a lot of time in order to understand these issues, because failure can come suddenly.

A few words about preventing Unhealthy forces are needed, which means that it must be perfectly and balancedly fed. Every day he should take only useful food, as well as fruits, vegetables and everything else that can increase his immunity. It is worthwhile to understand that in the case of the occurrence of pressure ulcers, it is necessary for an unhealthy person to consume as much food as possible with the highest protein content (meat, fish, etc.).

You can not allow the unhealthy to be in one position for more than 3 hours in a row. It must be constantly twisted, it is also always to inspect those places on which it was just lying. The patient must always lie on a very soft and comfortable mattress, and the linen that is placed on it must not have any folds.

Also for prophylaxis, the skin of an immobilized person can be wiped with alcohol or with some special means. Do this is recommended three to four times a day.

Health. Sumy. Ua.


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