Under the Embassy of Poland, 29 citizens were detained - the SBU

08 July 2017, 08:16 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

Thus, 29 citizens were detained, who staged an action near the embassy of Poland. The action was ordered by the special services of Russia - noted in the SBU. This event was provocative in nature.

As a result, law enforcement officers detained 29 citizens who, for money of $ 1,000 hryvnia, tried to arrange hooligan actions near the consulate building. As the organizer of the action planned, members of sports clubs under the guise of organizing youth were to come to the building and arrange a demonstrative action there, and then set fire to a scarecrow.

As reported URA-Inform, earlier Lviv residents blocked the road in protest.

Источник: УРА-Информ