Preschool children are not allowed to leave alone in the car

03 July 2017, 19:24 | The Company 
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The government of the Russian Federation made the following changes to the traffic rules: preschool children can not be left in the vehicle without adult adults.

The decision on this was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. The same decree allows transportation of children in vehicles equipped with seat belts "solely with their use or using child restraints". The amendment clarifies that now the SDA "provides for the non-alternative use of child restraints corresponding to the height and weight of the child for the carriage of children under the age of seven. In turn, for the transportation of children between the ages of 7 to 11 years, the use of both child restraints and seat belts provided for in the car's construction is permissible ".

The website of the government explains that all other means in comparison with child restraints and seat belts in case of a road accident with a high probability only aggravate the consequences of an accident for the child.

Источник: Life-News.Ru