"Put them in one place": the legendary ATOchnik outraged millions of cache in declarations

27 June 2017, 09:09 | Policy 
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Most Ukrainian politicians and high-ranking officials are divorced from the real state of affairs in the country and the problems of ordinary citizens.

Such an opinion on the air "The Observer. LIVE "ex-ex-battalion of the battalion" Donbass "Dmitry Kulish.

"When I see these rotten politicians who, apart from BP, have not crawled anywhere else, and then show their declarations for one million dollars of cache, then I want to immediately put that one million in one place, so that they are torn. Maybe it's already going to get drunk. If you went to the BP to work on the laws - work, "- he said..

According to Kulish, Ukrainian politicians are simply corrupted by impunity.

"And everyone walks and keeps silent. "Oh, oh, it's not me taking the money! It's my guard in his pocket a hundred thousand dollars was". They have outgrown it all, and who have been even slightly squeezed - went to Russia and did not get out of the TV screen, "concluded the veteran of the ATU.

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