It is fashionable to know about health

24 June 2017, 21:39 | Health 
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Somehow it is not very pleasant to associate your organism with a waste dump, which in fact is not. Any cleansing of toxins, sorry, toxins involves primarily cleansing the intestine. Namely: half-starved diet, plentiful drink, cleansing enemas and dosage.

The simplest and most accessible cleansing is a one-day fast. It is easy to transfer, the effect is noticeable immediately. The main thing is to take your day and go to bed early in the evening, so as not to break and not to empty the refrigerator.


Extremely useful leafy vegetable, especially popular in Hollywood. It records a lot of vitamins - the main favorites of anti-aging According to research conducted by scientists from the medical center at the University of Rush (in Chicago), people who ate twice a day on a plate of spinach, thought faster and remembered information better than those who neglected it.


As a wild vegetable sorrel is known to people since prehistoric times. In the world flora - about 200 species. In the gardens he was cultivated in the Middle Ages. The leaves contain vitamin C, iron, carotene, rutin, and others.. useful material.

But if you have gastritis, heartburn or, for example, cystitis, sorrel will render a rather disservice favor. It is not recommended for kidney disease, because it can provoke the formation of stones. Be careful and if you are prone to fractures. Oxalic acid reduces the body's absorption of calcium and some other minerals. In general, as always, everything is fine in moderation.

* Vitamin salad. Take 300 grams. Leaves of nettle, sorrel and plantain, rinse well (a nettle to scald), finely chop and mix with two hard-boiled and chopped eggs, season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise. 100 g of dandelion leaves soak for half an hour in cold water, cut, add 50 g of chopped green onions, 25 g of parsley, salt and vinegar to taste.

Thyroid gland One of the main hormonal organs in the female body. He is also the most vulnerable. Usually we explain fatigue, short temper, or depression with chronic fatigue and rarely admit the idea that the whole thing is in the thyroid gland.

In adolescence, during pregnancy and during menopause, the thyroid gland is most vulnerable to the harmful effects of stress, infections, decreased immunity, iodine deficiency. If you started to gain weight quickly, puffiness appeared, the skin became dry, and the nails and hair were dull and brittle, then hypothyroidism-a decreased function of the thyroid gland.

And if you, on the contrary, become more irritable and quick-tempered, lost weight, there was constant sweating, palpitations, increased body temperature, then these are signs of hyperthyroidism - increased thyroid function.

And, of course, you can not ignore the swelling in the neck. They may indicate an increase in the thyroid gland - the presence of nodular goiter.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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