What can only 30 minutes of training a day

23 June 2017, 12:27 | Sports 
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Studies have shown that a negative body image reduces self-esteem, increases the risk of depression and eating disorders. Specialists from the University of British Columbia found: in order to love your body, it's enough to train for only 30 minutes a day.

The study involved two groups of women. The first group performed aerobic exercises of moderate intensity for 30 minutes, and the second group sat and read.

Scientists compared body images and sensations of participants. In women who have been trained, there have been noticeable improvements in comparison with the second group.

The positive effect persisted for a minimum of 20 minutes. According to the researchers, he was associated not with a change in the mood of women, but with the fact that after training they seemed to themselves slimmer and stronger.

Gogetnews. Info.


Источник: NeBoley.com.ua