"Glory to the great Stalin"

23 June 2017, 12:23 | The Company 
фото с Обозреватель

Yesterday in Simferopol all day there were events devoted to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Flags near the building of the Supreme Council were lowered yesterday, and celebrated today. Before that they rehearsed. In the morning at the memorial of the Eternal Flame, a polished man in a suit stood surrounded by people of bureaucratic form and said: "Then we lay flowers. Then there will be a prayer. All clear? ". The officials of the bureaucratic form answered with an unruly rumble of consent, and only one broke the order: "What is this?".

The next day, that is today, the memorial was decorated with red flags, on the bridge over Salgir nearby there was a tent of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and someone handed out a communist newspaper to children who skated on scooters. This memorial, according to the investigator of the FSB, wanted to blow up Oleg Sentsov, but you do not need to believe the investigators. On the dais at the fire stood two pensioners in the military uniform of the old model at the red banners. Behind them - posters. On one of the Red Army soldiers, on the second - a large portrait of Stalin in a greatcoat, his hand stuck behind the floor. "The generalissimo of victory. Glory to the great Stalin, "was written on the poster. People approached, pinned flowers, were baptized. Stalin looked down at them, followed his eyes, approved.

Near the memorial in a semicircle stood children in military uniform: Cossacks, DOSAAF, something incomprehensible, similar to small militiamen. Next to them, unsmiling girls in a police uniform in summer and men in gray camouflage with the inscription "Tape of Memory" on the pieces in their hands. Children in the heat became ill, they broke down under the shadow of trees, to where the police cordons stood.

Next to it - the Supreme Court, where Akhtem Chyigoz and Crimean Tatars were tried in the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir. At the courthouse - several dozen Crimean Tatars who came to support them. They looked at the children in military uniform and the portrait of Stalin was tired and uninteresting, it was a parallel world. After the flowers were past, girls passed in police uniform, smiling and laughing with the guys from the cordon. "Do they celebrate the beginning of the war?" - one of the Crimean Tatars was surprised. "Yeah, just forget that it started in the 39th", - answered another. A lawyer left: all defense applications were rejected, all were left in custody. Akhtem Cheygoz had 133 court hearings.

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Источник: Обозреватель