The most popular names of children in Ukraine in 2017 are named

20 June 2017, 17:31 | Kiev 
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The most popular names that parents gave birth to from the beginning of 2017, the people of Kiev, were Sofia and Timofey. This was reported in the department of state registration of acts of civil status of the Department of State Registration of the Ministry of Justice in Kiev, writes 44. Ua. The eight of the most popular women's names this year are: Sofia, Maria, Zlata, Anna, Ekaterina, Anastasia, Eva, Daria. The eight most popular male names: Timothy, Michael, Dmitry, Maxim, Andrew, Ivan, Artem, Alexander. Sofia for the second time becomes the most popular female name of the first half of the year in Kiev. In 2016, it was also most often given to newborn girls. And the boys in the same period last year led Artem. It is also reported that since the beginning of the year in the capital registered 8.6 thousand newborns. Last year, 8.8 thousand children were born in the first half of the year. As reported, in Ukraine it became popular to call children with unusual names - "not like everyone else". Most unusual names are recorded in Western Ukraine. Named the most popular name in the world Author: 1.

Источник: Корреспондент.net