The most effective diet of the world

19 June 2017, 16:48 | Health 
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The most effective diet of the world.

Every year, new effective diets are added to the diet plan. How to understand the diets in order to feel its effect on yourself and, of course, not to harm your own health? Scientists asked this question, examined and analyzed the cuisine of different countries and established which country's cuisine is the most useful diet.

Nutrition experts say that Chinese cuisine, cooked according to traditional recipes and taking into account national characteristics, is the most healthy and healthy diet in the world.

It is this factor that scientists explain the harmony of the Chinese nation.

Traditional Chinese food contains a small amount of glucose, which is more effective in combating obesity than western low-calorie and low-carb diets. Another secret of Chinese cuisine is the fact that fifty percent of the consumed portions are vegetables. No less important is rice - it is rich in nutrients and fiber and contains only constituent elements of fats.

A variety of soups, also present in traditional Chinese cuisine, allow you to control the water balance in the body and get rid of hunger, without risking to gain extra pounds.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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