The Embassy of Ukraine in Portugal recommends to refrain from trips to the area affected by fire

18 June 2017, 22:37 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

About 60 people are injured, 18 of whom are in serious condition. All of them were placed in the hospitals of the cities of Coimbra, Porto and Lisbon. A significant number of destroyed houses in the surrounding villages.

The fire continues to spread, threatening surrounding settlements. In this connection, the embassy of Ukraine in the Portuguese Republic recommends refraining from visiting the woodland in Pedrohao Grande, where the fire is still raging.

According to the Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, citizens of Ukraine who are in the area should carefully monitor the reports of local services on the development of the situation and follow the instructions of fire and rescue services.

We ask citizens to be cautious, to report on the occurrence of fires or getting into a dangerous situation, first of all the Portuguese fire and rescue services at 112, - call upon Ukrainian diplomats.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, the Foreign Ministry reported that the Ukrainians among the victims of the fire in Portugal, there is no.

Источник: УРА-Информ