Panic attacks lead to cardiovascular diseases

14 June 2017, 19:41 | Health 
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People who suffer from attacks of panic attacks are more at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, scientists believe..

Experts have found that heart attacks are three times more likely to occur in people under 50 who suffer from panic attacks. Some scientists suggest that panic attacks can cause changes in the nervous system that contribute to clogging of the arteries. Other experts believe that such seizures provoke a condition similar to a heart attack, which causes great trauma to the body.

Researchers studied the history of the disease more than 400 thousand. People of different ages, of whom 57,615 people were diagnosed with panic attacks. It turned out that people with panic attacks are 38% more likely to have heart attacks and 44% have cardiovascular diseases. However, scientists noticed a surprising fact - although people with attacks of panic attacks are more prone to cardiovascular disease, they are unlikely to die from them.

Medicinform. Net.

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