Lyon expects to get Giroux during the deal on Lacazette

14 June 2017, 17:02 | Football 
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The leadership of Lyon called Arsenal their conditions for the transfer of Alexander Lakazetta.

Arsenal embarked on a new round of negotiations on the transfer of Alexander Lakazetta.

President Lyon Jean-Michel Ola traveled to London in the company of Gerard Houllier, who served as an adviser during the discussion of the transaction.

According to Ola, Arsenal is now leading the race for Lakazetta, since the original version with Atletico became impossible due to the transfer ban Madrid.

Lyon expects to receive for Lakazetta 55 million euros and 12 million bonuses. In this case, Ola discussed one more variant of the transaction and was interested in the possibility of including Olivier Giroux in this transition.

Interest in Fat also shows West Ham.
