The dangers of air conditioning

14 June 2017, 14:19 | Health 
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Having branded a box with a blue screen, the scientists decided to take up a detailed analysis of other achievements of civilization, for example, a device like an air conditioner that relieves many people of the planet from the hardships of hot summer. However, not everything is so radiant, because for the saving coolness mankind has to pay with its own immune system, and employees of the offices take part in air-conditioning wars ... When in the street there is an unbearable heat, in the air-conditioned room there is a coveted coolness. According to biological parameters, 18 degrees Celsius - the optimum temperature for a dressed person. The standard temperature of the air conditioner in the summer is 20 degrees. And when a person is on the street, especially after a whole day spent in an atmosphere of an artificial climate, he gets a temperature shock that leads to colds, flu and myositis. According to the report of Stern, German doctors claim the harm of temperature changes for the body. Moreover, very often air conditioners are programmed to 18-19 degrees. Especially hard is the immune system, because the saving coolness by artificial way leads to the death of protective cells of the body. The system of human thermoregulation can not adapt to the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

When the body heats up, it is cooled by sweating, and when the conditioner works, when the cold comes instantaneously, sweat remains on the surface of the skin. It turns out a double cooling, which provokes hypothermia and colds. In addition, the circulatory system suffers: when a person enters an air-conditioned room, for example, in a shopping center, from a street heat. It is believed that the temperature inside the building and outside should differ only by a few degrees. The same applies to air conditioners in cars, scientists advise not to turn themselves into a freshly frozen chicken medicus. En.


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