Their customs: in the US, almost 320 tons of "macaroni"

13 June 2017, 01:30 | Economy 
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Conagra Brands Inc. Pennsylvania, decided to cancel the sale of hundreds of tons of pasta with meat because of the presence in the product of allergens that are not indicated on the packaging, in particular - milk, reports forumdaily with reference to the US Department of Agriculture.

The pasta was incorrectly labeled, so the Food and Drug Administration decided to prohibit the sale of a large batch of pasta due to the possible presence of non-listed allergens in the package. Buyers who are allergic to milk will not be able to find out if they can use such a product, because of mistakes in labeling. For people with lactose intolerance, milk can cause anaphylactic shock or other manifestations of allergy.

Consumers who purchased these semi-finished products are advised to discard them or return them to the store where they will be reimbursed for the full value of the goods.
