What are the harms and benefits of semolina porridge

10 June 2017, 12:12 | Health 
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So, the usefulness of semolina is that it contains vitamins of group B, carbohydrates and minerals. She has an excellent influence on skinny babies who need to gain weight, because it contains a lot of calories. The plus in this mess is that it contributes to calming gastritis pains and ulcer diseases, thanks to the intestinal tract and stomach.

Any useful mother knows about the usefulness of cereals. After all, for your own baby only useful and savory dishes are prepared, which have an excellent influence on the growth and development of the baby. But is it so useful for semolina porridge, which even in Russian times used toddlers of all ages, regardless of preferences? Specifically, this dish was an indispensable attribute of the diet of each baby. But modern specialists and experienced pediatricians say in one tone that semolina is not so useful, moreover, it is harmful to the child's body.

To realize who to believe - the tried recipes of grandmothers or today's nutritionists, you should take a close look at this product. So, the harm and usefulness of semolina is, of course, there are, but within what limits - this is what we will try to analyze.

Let's talk about what is still so unhelpful and even not recommended in this dish.

First, it's gluten, which is contained in semolina porridge. In some cases, a protein can cause allergy and manifestations of celiac disease - a disease associated with the destruction of the intestinal mucosa. Also, gluten can cause indigestion.

Secondly, it's a fitin, which is also contained in a manga. This substance interferes with excellent absorption and absorption of vitamin D. That's why the harm of semolina is cleaned. To use this dish is often not worth it, the more it is to introduce it into the daily diet. It is necessary to protect the baby from frequent consumption of such product. The harm and usefulness of semolina porridge will not immediately manifest itself in this case, if the child will eat it once a week.

With regard to the positive side, this dish is fully therapeutic qualities. So, the usefulness of semolina is that it contains vitamins of group B, carbohydrates and minerals. She has an excellent influence on skinny babies who need to gain weight, because it contains a lot of calories. Another advantage of semolina is that it can calm gastritis pains and ulcer diseases. In addition, this dish is recommended to people after surgery, it appropriates strength and improves well-being.

So, the harm and usefulness of semolina is irrefutable. Using it occasionally and in small quantities, we are coping with many diseases more easily and restoring the actual forces. It should be noted that the diet should always be different and savory, so that only one semolina in the morning is not necessary. After all, there are other dishes recommended as breakfast - cereals, buckwheat or rice porridge, oatmeal or omelet. The choice is yours.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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