Militants shelled the village near Mariupol, damaged buildings

08 June 2017, 23:51 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

The shelling was conducted from large-caliber artillery weapons. The territory on the border of the Kalmius district of Mariupol and Novoazovskiy district was mainly damaged.

As the department of communication of police of Donetsk region informs, as a result of direct hits the non-residential buildings and agricultural machinery are damaged. All the fires have already been eliminated by the State Emergency Service.

On the spot, police groups are formed that bypass the affected area, investigators document the consequences of the shelling.

Information on victims and destruction is being specified.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, today were shelled residential quarters Marinka.

Источник: УРА-Информ