"Ukraine is not worth it": Putin's main message to Washington was explained in Russia

07 June 2017, 22:33 | Policy 
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Russian President Vladimir Putin repeatedly tries to convince the United States that the post-Soviet space is his "vassal territory," and that the Kremlin is not interested in a war with the United States.

This opinion was expressed to the "Observer" by Russian lawyer Mark Feigin, commenting on the fragment of the film by American director Oliver Stone about Vladimir Putin.

In particular, assessing the Russian president's statement that "no one would have survived" the "hot" phase of confrontation between Russia and the US, the lawyer noted: "This is the usual rhetoric. I would not attach special importance to this. Putin repeatedly spoke about the prospects for nuclear war. In particular, when it was about the Crimea, he said: "We were ready to use nuclear weapons" - if there were NATO troops ".

"Do not survive a nuclear war - it's a Soviet rhetorical thesis that there is no winner in a nuclear war, that it will lead to nuclear winter and. Naturally, the clash between Russia and the United States is fraught with such a development of events, "agreed Feigin.

At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that a similar phrase sounded in the film of an American filmmaker and, apparently, was addressed to the US leadership. "In a sense, this is another attempt to tell the Americans that the war between the two countries for Putin is an unacceptable option for resolving any issues. Putin does not want such a war with the US. The main goal of Putin is the division of zones of influence, "the lawyer is convinced.

In this context, he added: "In the history of Ukraine, the seizure of the Crimea and so on, Putin repeatedly tries to show: I act on my territory, I consider it a vassal territory, give me the opportunity to settle as a regional power, and in return I never I will not attempt to violate American interests. We do not need to face, we do not need to fight. Ukraine is not worth it ".

"I think this is the message Putin repeatedly tries to send to the American establishment. But the film - not a very good tool for this, because it still has an element of propaganda and artistry, "- said Feigin.

As the "Observer" wrote, in an interview with American director Oliver Stone, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that in the war between Russia and the US, if it had turned from a "cold" war into a "hot" war, there would have been no winners.

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Источник: Обозреватель