Carbohydrate-protein weight loss

05 June 2017, 08:32 | Health 
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The diet is applied for 14 days. Efficiency depends on the accuracy of compliance.

The first two days: three times a day for one hard boiled egg, a cup of coffee, one apple.

The third day: in the morning - 2 eggs; For lunch - a piece of beef, spinach; In the evening - one egg, spinach.

Fourth day: in the morning - one egg; In the afternoon - boiled fish, tomato; In the evening - 2 eggs, a cup of coffee.

Fifth day: in the morning - one egg, a cup of coffee; At lunch - two eggs, a tomato; In the evening - fish fried without fat (on the grate), vegetables with vinegar.

Sixth day: in the morning - one egg, a cup of coffee; For lunch - a piece of beef, cucumber; In the evening - veal, fried without fat (on the grill), tomato, coffee.

Seventh day: in the morning - one egg, a cup of coffee; In the afternoon - half a chicken fried without fat (on the grate), vegetables; In the evening - the second half of the chicken, apple, coffee.

Next week the diet is repeated first VK. Init ({apiId: 2853295, onlyWidgets: true});.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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