Farion gave an unexpected explanation to his entry into the CPSU

05 June 2017, 07:58 | Policy 
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Ukrainian politician, member of the Svoboda Freedom Irina Farion gave a new explanation to her membership in the CPSU, which earlier vehemently denied.

In Facebook, journalist Mikhail Baginsky rebuked Farion: "You joined the CPSU in the year when my grandfather came out".

"So what? I went in to destroy them from within with your gabish methods. And destroyed. In the parliament, not a single communist is due to the liberty. Cool we breed you, moskvorotye? "- she answered.

Note that this dialogue took place in early May in the discussion of the post of writer Larisa Nitsoy on language problems with tickets to the "Eurovision-2017", held in Kiev. However, earlier the statement of Farion the media outshone its attention.

As reported by the "Observer", previously Irina Farion arranged a tantrum because of the language in the tests of UPE.

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Источник: Обозреватель