Acid for a child prodigy: how omega-3 affects the baby's body

05 June 2017, 01:15 | Ukraine 
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The benefits of acids, united by a name in one substance - omega-3 -. Especially it is necessary for children - it helps to reduce the hyperactivity of the child and to learn new knowledge. How and when to introduce into its diet, we were told by experts. OUR EXPERT: Lyudmila Denisenko, an independent nutritionist, a member of the European Association for the Study of Obesity WITHOUT A SUN - ANYTHING The fact is that the most fully omega-3 is absorbed in tandem with vitamin D, enhancing the useful properties of acid. And it is 90% synthesized by the human body under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, pastime outdoors in the regime of a child of any age should be a daily. At least an hour, and better - 2-3. And for obvious reasons do not zealous with sunscreen for a child - better to avoid burns and overheating, walk with children until 11:00 and / or after 17:00, and in the interval - only in the shade of trees. Through the foliage the ultraviolet gets the same, but not in such an aggressive amount. The best source of vitamin D - products of animal origin. They contain one of its forms - D-3, which is better absorbed by the body. It is this form that our body produces. Another bonus from vitamin D - the best absorption of calcium (for example, from fermented milk products). And this mineral, as is known, is very important for the formation of healthy teeth and the skeleton of a child. NECESSARY STILL IN THE MORNING Acid is important not even from diapers, but from the first day of conception of the baby! The fact is that the polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 participates in the creation of cells of any of our organs. Therefore, the formation of the baby's organism in the womb in conditions of a deficiency of this substance can lead to the fact that, without being born, the baby will have spoiled health, even if otherwise the woman led a healthy lifestyle. Most of all, the lack of omega-3 affects the central nervous system and the immunity of the child. Therefore, a baby whose future mother did not have enough of this acid in the diet, then may suffer from hyperactivity, inability to concentrate, to have an increased level of anxiety and a propensity for depressive conditions, to easily catch infections, to get out of any illness for a long time and be prone to diathesis and Other forms of allergy. In the RATION: DAILY Good news: even if the child did not have enough acid during life in the womb, you can try to remedy the situation now. Indeed, the maturation of its organs and systems (in particular, such important as the brain and immune system) continues after the birth of the baby. Therefore, in the diet of a child products with omega-3 acid should be every day. The fact is that the polyunsaturated fatty acid, although vital for health, is produced by the human body in an insufficient amount - only 5% of the required daily dose. It is very difficult to provide omega-3 again mom: if she feeds the baby with breast milk, then products containing acid should be in her diet. If the baby is an artificer, you need to choose the mixtures enriched with this acid. MENU FOR CHILDREN 3-8 YEARS For this purpose it is enough 1 st. Omega-3 daily (sold in pharmacies). But if the child refuses from it, enter in the diet, for example, one of the following sets of products (their number for children 9-16 years old should be doubled). OPTION 1. 50 grams of fish of fatty varieties: herring, mackerel, halibut or notothenia (if there are no scales - this is about the size of a half-pack of nasal tissues, and better than weak salting). OPTION 2. One yolk (from a chicken egg poached) + one walnut (raw, separate from other foods except fruits. Say, as an afternoon snack with an apple) + 1 st. Unrefined oil (linseed, pumpkin or rapeseed, in raw form) - in salad or in porridge, but not hot. OPTION 3. Slice of butter (with quarter of a matchbox) + half avocado + 1 h. Red caviar (if there is no history of allergy, and not only food) + 1 h. Flaxseed (for example, in salad or cooked porridge). The seed also contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and protects the body from oxidized omega-3 fatty acids, if in such an unpleasant form they get into the baby's body.

Original article: Acid for a child prodigy: how Omega-3 affects the children's body.

Источник: GIGAMIR