Okueva told about the murdered killer

05 June 2017, 00:03 | Incidents 
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Amina Okueva, wife of Adam Osmayev, who was wounded during the unsuccessful attempt, shared her impression of the killer and told details of the attack on her and her husband.

According to TSN, according to Okueva, the attack on her husband was committed by an experienced killer, who for many years worked and completed many tasks, received a lot of information.

"Judging by the way he communicated, his psychological preparation, he skillfully simulated the European accent, he always talked to the European accent, he was preparing not in the Kadyrov court, his FSB was preparing or the GRU, more serious offices," Okuyeva said..

"If I had not worked it out before the automatism, then nothing would have happened. Killer managed to make only two shots. I did not even know that the second hit my hand, for life it's not dangerous. I only needed to remove the fuse, for self-defense I carry a cartridge in the chamber. If it were not for the cartridge in the chamber, I would not have had time to do anything. He turned and stopped shooting and began to reach me to the gun, I abruptly leaned back and lay down, kicked sharply and strongly in the face. He flew to the windshield of the car. I removed it from the fuse, I made a series of shots, until I had a jammed sleeve, "- shared the details of Amin Okuyev.

She noted that she was glad that the killer was alive.

"But it's not my merit. If I had not jammed the sleeve, then I would have let out the whole store and it would have had very few chances, "Okuyeva added..

"The fact that he is alive is a miracle. This is important not only for the entire policy, but also from a geopolitical point of view. Russia sends its terrorists and saboteurs around the world, he worked in Austria. He works now in Ukraine, this man tried to work in Ukraine. Absolutely there are no guarantees that mass acts of terrorism in France or somewhere else happened, they can be created by the same people, they are professionals and unprincipled, who do not have a difference to kill whom they ordered, or to attack the crowd, "the wife of the wounded volunteer Osmayeva.

On June 1 in Kiev, an assault was carried out on the spouses of volunteers Adam Osmayev and Amin Okuev. According to police, a man who called himself a foreign journalist, agreed in advance with the spouses about the meeting.

"When they got into the car, an unknown person took out a Glock pistol from the box and shot Osmaev in the chest. In response, Amin from his pistol, Makarov made several shots in the shooter, "- said law enforcers.

Osmayev and the attacker with gunshot wounds were hospitalized.

Источник: glavnoe.ua