"Defend America": Trump announced withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate

02 June 2017, 01:03 | Peace 
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US President Donald Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.

This is written by the Air Force.

"To fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, but will begin negotiations on re-entry into the Paris agreement or a completely new deal on terms that are fair to the US, their enterprises, workers, their people, their taxpayers ", - he said.

The Independent emphasizes that Trump decided to withdraw the US from the agreement, which was signed by almost 200 countries.

According to the US President, if his country adheres to the Paris Agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, this will negatively affect the US coal industry.

Earlier, the White House stressed that the Paris agreement is a "problem deal for Americans".

As the "Observer" reported, in the UN 171 countries signed the Paris Agreement on Climate.

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