Montenegro banned entry to almost 150 Russians

02 June 2017, 00:44 | Peace 
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The list also includes pro-Russian Ukrainians who support the annexation of the Crimea. Montenegro has banned the entry of 149 Russian citizens and pro-Russian Ukrainians who support the annexation of the Crimea, reports B92. On the eve of the premiere of Montenegro banned the entry into Russia. In addition to him, the list got a few dozen officials. According to the media, this was done in response to the fact that the country supported the EU sanctions against the Russian Federation. It is reported that Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, oligarch Konstantin Malofeev and Deputy Secretary General of the ruling United Russia party Sergei Zheleznyak. At the same time about exactly which Ukrainians in question are not specified. Let's note that on June 5 Montenegro will officially join NATO. The country will become the 29th member of the alliance.

Original article: Montenegro banned entry to almost 150 Russians.

Источник: GIGAMIR