At the stadium "Dynamo" started overhaul

01 June 2017, 16:19 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

So, at the specified stadium now work on overhaul. This information was distributed by the site "Dynamo". The message says that there are needs for capital repairs of this stadium - and the reasons for this are two. It is necessary to update the stadium due to its technical condition and age, and also because of the internal content of the arena itself.

It is also important that soon the final of the Women's Champions League will be held at this stadium - said today the head of the stadium Yu. Pikhtovnikov. Reconstruction of the stadium should be completed by August.

As reported URA-Inform, Shakhtar previously planned a home game at the stadium "Dynamo".

Источник: УРА-Информ