There is a heat: Ukrainians were warned about the sharp weather change at the weekend

01 June 2017, 11:29 | The Company 
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At the weekend in Ukraine, it is expected to have sunny and hot weather, but no precipitation is expected.

This was reported in Ukrgidromettsentre.

So on Saturday, June 3, in the western regions, the air temperature will reach 26 degrees Celsius. In the center will be up to +25, in the east +23, in the south to +27.

In Kiev - up to 25 degrees Celsius.

On Sunday, June 4, in the west - up to +29, in the center - to +28, in the east 22-24 degrees of heat. In the southern regions up to +30.

In Kiev + 27 + 29 degrees.

As reported by the "Observer", previously known weather forecast for the first summer day.

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