Useful idiots

01 June 2017, 10:48 | The Company 
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Ukrainian journalists who oppose the prohibition of classmates and vkontakte do not really advocate freedom of access to information.

They - individually or in the quality of "useful idiots" - play up to the Kremlin's aggression against Ukraine. It happens in such a way that the wave of "righteous indignation" raised by these "defenders" contributed to the relativization of the issue.

As a result, Ukrainians, accustomed to vkontakte and classmates, far from politics and not interested in ATU summaries (and such majority), with the purest conscience, took one of the opposing sides, which, just like its opponents, in words condemns the occupation of Crimea and the war of Russian soldiers against Of Ukraine.

In the conditions of internal dispute, whether these social networks are the instruments of the Kremlin aggression against Ukraine, that is, in a situation where, in fact, Ukrainian civil society itself has not defined its attitude to the issue, hundreds of thousands of citizens have rushed to learn how to bypass the ban of their own government, instead of Accept it with understanding.

And it's not even that the majority sooner or later will still have to get used to facebook or its domestic counterparts, and the step of the Ukrainian authorities will lead to qualitative changes in the consciousness of the masses.

The fact is that while continuing to enter the banned in Ukraine Kremlin websites, our citizens become unintentional (some - intentional) moral accomplices in the murders committed by Russian mercenaries in the Donbass and the continuing attempts by Russian special services to destabilize Ukraine from within.

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Источник: Обозреватель