I returned to the airport: a strange state of emergency happened on board the Malaysia Airlines

31 May 2017, 21:03 | Peace 
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The passenger tried to break into the cockpit onboard the Malaysia Airlines plane, which was coming from Melbourne (Australia) to the Malaysian Kuala Lumpur.

This is reported by the Herald Sun.

"MH128 returned back to Melbourne after the crew informed the commander of the aircraft about the passenger trying to enter the cockpit," the airline said in a statement..

So, the man said that he had a bomb in his hands, then tried to break into the cockpit, but the other passengers did not allow him to do it.

The flight successfully landed at the Melbourne airport of Tullamarine. Arrival of security forces is expected.

Because of the incident, Melbourne airport is closed, all flights are postponed. In addition, all incoming aircraft are redirected to another airport.

As reported by the "Observer", earlier in Egypt, 200 Ukrainians were stuck because the plane with tourists could not fly three times.

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По материалам: heraldsun.com.au