Elektronny kabinet at DFS moe buti prokvadzheny shche tsogogo rock - In. Groisman

31 May 2017, 19:46 | Technologies 
фото с InternetUA

Elektronny kabinet, a kind of plan to play in Derzhavniy fіskalnіy services from 1 січня, має бути проваджений в цьому році. On a contract for a snowboard meeting declaring Prem'er-Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman, the correspondent of UNN.

"Those who are e-mailed to do so, I think, to change the number of contacts with pricessors of the DFS, and what good do they have for one million?" I bi bungled close, naskilki tselmolno, і prokazvaditi tselche v tsyomu rotsі. Mi b pidtrimali, shobo vi could prokavvaditi such kabinet shche kotogo rock, and then we have a magical date - 1 січня ", - having designated В. Groisman.

Источник: InternetUA