The doctor told how to become healthy in one year

31 May 2017, 10:35 | Health 
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According to the agency Nation News, adherence to proper nutrition and reducing the amount of food eaten will allow a person to be cured of all diseases in almost a year. This concept is advocated by biochemist Marva Ohanyan.

Marva Ohanyan is convinced: the body of modern man is not able to cope completely with the food that he receives and bring it out. As a result, food wastes are stored inside the human body, which leads to diseases of various organs.

To change this pathological process, according to the doctor, it is possible by restriction in a feed. According to the expert, during starvation, the production of leukocytes falls, but at the same time the sick cells and human wastes are actively used, which helps restore the biochemical balance in the body. As a result, immunity is restored, and the body quickly strengthens.

"Almost 90% of the energy a person spends on digesting and digesting food. If temporarily to release him from this load, he will direct his forces to purification, and if cleansed, he will actively restore himself, "Oganyan believes..

Source: MedikForum.

